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Quy trình KYB là gì - Quy trình KYB của TransFi là gì?
Quy trình KYB là gì - Quy trình KYB của TransFi là gì?

Know Your Business (KYB) verification is a company's Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance requirement. Know Your Business (KYB) generally requires a company to perform suitable due diligence by collecting & analyzing a range of data and information on the businesses with which they are associated. KYB verification measures are key components of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) regulations.

TransFi's KYB process ensures AML compliance through thorough data collection, verification, and reporting.

Key Elements:

Standard Due Diligence (SDD):

Individuals: Verifies identity using government-issued IDs and proof of address.

Corporates: Requires registration documents, shareholder certificates, proof of address, EIN/TIN, and IDs for major owners.

Verification: Confirms document authenticity with regulatory sources.

Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD):

High-Risk Customers: Flags higher-risk customers (e.g., politically exposed persons, custodial crypto services).

Additional Verification: Requests further documents to assess AML risks.

Investigation: Conducts necessary investigations for high-risk customers.

This process ensures secure and compliant transactions for all users.

Company Registration/Incorporation certificate

Shareholder Certificates (for those owning >25%)

Certificate of Incumbency

Memorandum of Association (MOA) & Articles of Association (AOA)

Official address or Principal business address proof


ID documents for natural persons owning >25% and any controlling persons

Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD):

TransFi flags higher-risk customers (e.g., politically exposed persons, custodial crypto services) and requests additional documents and verification.

High-risk customers are identified based on business activities, including but not limited to:

Custodial crypto/digital assets services

Other non-custodial crypto/digital assets services

Money services/payments/other financial services

Dịch vụ cờ bạc

Bất kỳ khách hàng nào có chủ sở hữu có lợi ích về mặt chính trị

For high-risk customers, additional documents may be required, such as:

Proof of source of funds

Relevant licenses

AML/KYC policies

If necessary, TransFi will conduct investigations to ensure compliance with AML regulations

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