Bagaimana kami dapat membantu Anda?
Terima kasih! Kiriman Anda telah diterima!
Ups! Terjadi kesalahan saat mengirimkan formulir.
Pusat bantuan
On-boarding (masuk ke pesawat)
Dapatkah saya mengunggah Bukti Identitas pelanggan saya atas nama pelanggan saya?
Dapatkah saya mengunggah Bukti Identitas pelanggan saya atas nama pelanggan saya?
Yes, the client can upload their customers' Proof of Identity on behalf of the customers. The TransFi Payouts platform does not require KYC (Know Your Customer) or KYB (Know Your Business) for the recipients in any of the transaction flows. However, TransFi reserves the right to conduct KYC/KYB at its discretion if necessary
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