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Grąžinamųjų išmokų valdymas
What should I do if the end-user made an under payment to the merchant?
What should I do if the end-user made an under payment to the merchant?

In the case of short payments, where the end-user paid less than required, refunds will be processed based on the chosen merchant settings.

The following settings are available for merchants:

  • Automatic refunds setting: If automatic refunds are enabled, all under payment refunds will be processed automatically within 24 hours, during which the paying customer can make the payment.
  • Manual refunds setting: The end-user will receive a refund of the amount after the network fee is deducted, after 24 hours. 

For excess payment, please reach out to customercare@transfi.com. TransFi will be notified and will process the refund of excess payment.

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