Bagaimana kami dapat membantu Anda?

Terima kasih! Kiriman Anda telah diterima!
Ups! Terjadi kesalahan saat mengirimkan formulir.
Pusat bantuan
Mengelola Pengembalian Dana
Apa yang harus saya lakukan jika pengguna akhir melakukan pembayaran kurang kepada pedagang?
Apa yang harus saya lakukan jika pengguna akhir melakukan pembayaran kurang kepada pedagang?

In the case of short payments, where the end-user paid less than required, refunds will be processed based on the chosen merchant settings.

The following settings are available for merchants:

  • Automatic refunds setting: If automatic refunds are enabled, all under payment refunds will be processed automatically within 24 hours, during which the paying customer can make the payment.
  • Manual refunds setting: The end-user will receive a refund of the amount after the network fee is deducted, after 24 hours. 

For excess payment, please reach out to TransFi will be notified and will process the refund of excess payment.

Butuh bantuan lebih lanjut?