Bagaimana kami dapat membantu Anda?
Terima kasih! Kiriman Anda telah diterima!
Ups! Terjadi kesalahan saat mengirimkan formulir.
Bagaimana cara mengaktifkan mata uang lokal dan negara baru?
To start making local currency payouts to a new country and to activate a new local currency, please notify your Account Manager and provide the following details:
- List of Countries:beberapa teks
- Specify the countries where your beneficiaries or potential beneficiaries are located.
- Currency Requirements:beberapa teks
- Indicate if you need USD payouts in addition to the local currency for any of the listed countries.
- Testing:beberapa teks
- Complete a small test to ensure everything is set up correctly before going live.
Providing this information will help ensure a smooth configuration and activation process.
Butuh bantuan lebih lanjut?