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Bảng điều khiển
Làm thế nào để tôi yêu cầu sao kê tài khoản? Chức năng của bảng điều khiển TransFi là gì?
Làm thế nào để tôi yêu cầu sao kê tài khoản? Chức năng của bảng điều khiển TransFi là gì?

Your TransFi dashboard allows you to view and manage all types of transactions, request payments via our invoicing tool, manage users, and more. Learn more about each function below.

Tracking Transactions and Account Reconciliation 

  • Merchants can track all transactions made. You can export your transaction history as a .CSV file.
  • You will also be able to track the transaction hash, date, time, status, digital and fiat amount of each transaction.


  • Send invoices via your account dashboard to make a payment request to your customers.

Customise your payment form

  • Change the company name, logo and colour on the payment form sent to users.

Customise your payment options

  • Select the digital currencies that you would like to accept.

Make digital payouts

Manage users

  • Add multiple users under the same merchant account with different access functions.


Any questions? Please reach out to We will be more than happy to assist.

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