Khóa công khai và khóa riêng tư: Giải mã sự khác biệt

10 phút

Ngày 30 tháng 7 năm 2024

Imagine your data as a precious secret, safely locked away. The magic trick to keeping it secure? Encryption. This process transforms your information into complex code that only the right "key" can unlock, ensuring your data stays safe without relying on a central authority.

Welcome to the world of cryptography. This fascinating science is at the heart of digital currency and Web3, making sure our digital secrets remain just that- a secret.

In this article, we'll delve into the fundamentals of cryptography and explore the different types of keys that make decoding this complex code possible.

What is Cryptography?

Think of cryptography as a secret language that allows two people to communicate without anyone else understanding what they're saying. It's the art of encrypting data to ensure information remains secure and private.

On a deeper level, cryptography is a branch of mathematics that focuses on various techniques to protect information. This includes ensuring data confidentiality, maintaining its integrity, verifying the identities of those communicating, and ensuring that no one can deny their actions later on.

How Does Encryption Work?

There are two primary ways to encrypt data:

  1. Symmetric Encryption: Here, the same key is used to lock (encrypt) and unlock (decrypt) the data.
  2. Asymmetric Encryption: This method uses a pair of keys—one to lock the data and another to unlock it. Think of it as a mailbox where anyone can drop in a letter (encrypt data) using the public key, but only the mailbox owner can open it (decrypt data) with their private key.

A Visual Guide to Encryption

In symmetric encryption, the single key to lock and unlock the data is the same, much like using the same key for both your front door and back door. In asymmetric encryption, the keys are different, akin to having a public address where anyone can send mail but only you have the key to open the mailbox. Understanding the differences between single key and dual key encryption is crucial to understanding the basics of cryptography.

A graphic explanation of how encryption works.

Most digital currencies rely on asymmetric encryption, using a pair of keys (private and public) to manage transactions on the blockchain. The private key allows you to write (send) transactions, while the public key lets others read (verify) them.

Stay tuned as we dive deeper into how these key pairs work and how they keep your digital assets secure.

What is a Public Key?

A public key, or "public address" in Web3, is a cryptographic code enabling users to receive encrypted messages and verify digital signatures and accept digital currencies.

Think of a public key as your digital wallet’s address. Just like you share your bank account number with people so they can send you money, you share your public key to receive digital currency.

Public key is created from your private key through some complex math, but unlike your private key, it’s safe to share. In fact, sharing your public key, also known as the server's public key, is necessary if you want to establish a secure connection with a server. In order for a client to establish this secure connection, it first checks the server’s digital certificate, which includes the server's public key. Then, the client generates a session key that it encrypts with the server’s public key. So, while you guard your private key like a password, you freely share your public key, also known as the server's public key, to receive funds.

What is a Private Key?

A private key, often referred to as a "secret key" in the digital currency world, is a confidential cryptographic code used to decrypt messages encrypted with its matching public key. It also serves to sign digital messages and transactions, ensuring the authenticity of cryptocurrency transactions. Think of it as your bank PIN—it’s what you use to access and manage your account and acts as a cryptographic key for sending and receiving cryptocurrency.

Just like you’d never share your PIN with anyone, you should never share your private key. It’s your sole access point to your digital assets and losing it could mean losing your assets. Guard it carefully to keep your digital treasures safe.

How Are Public and Private Keys Inter-Related?

A public key is created from a private key using a one-way mathematical function, making it nearly impossible to reverse-engineer the private key from the public key.

 Not your keys, not your coins

This relationship forms what’s known as a private-public key pair. You can freely share your public key with others so they can send you digital currency, but they can’t access your wallet or find out your private key from it.

This encryption mechanism is the bedrock of digital currency security. Even if someone hacks into your computer, they won't be able to access your digital currency without your private key. Remember, "Not your keys, not your coins"—safeguarding your private key is essential to keeping your digital assets safe.

Differences Between Public and Private Keys

While public and private keys work together, they serve distinct roles and have different characteristics. Here’s a quick rundown of their main differences:

  1. Sharing: You can share your public key with anyone, but your private key must be kept secret.
  2. Usage: A public key is used to receive digital currency, like giving someone your bank account number. In contrast, a private key is used to sign transactions and send digital currency, much like using your PIN to authorize payments.
  3. Security: Your private key is the only way to access your digital currency. If you lose it, you lose access to your assets. On the other hand, if you lose your public key, it can be retrieved from the blockchain ledger.
  4. Analogy: Think of your public key as your bank account number and your private key as your PIN or password. The public key can be shared openly, while the private key must be guarded closely.
  5. Creation: Public keys are usually generated by a software wallet, whereas private keys are typically generated by the user, similar to setting a password for a secret message.
  6. Generation: A public key is created from a private key through a one-way mathematical function. This means it’s nearly impossible to reverse-engineer the private key from the public key.
 A table showing the differences between public keys and private keys

In summary, public and private keys are essential components of digital currency security, each playing a unique role in ensuring your digital assets remain safe.

Advantages of Public Key Encryption

Public-private key encryption is a powerful tool that enables secure communication between people who have never met. Here’s how it works and why it’s beneficial:

Imagine Angela wants to send David some digital currency. With symmetric encryption, Anglela would need to know David’s secret key to encrypt the transaction. This isn't very practical if they’ve never met.

However, with asymmetric encryption, Alice can simply look up Bob’s public key on the blockchain and use it to encrypt the transaction. Bob then uses his private key to decrypt it.

Here’s a simple breakdown:

  • Secure Communication: Angela can send David a secure message or digital currency by encrypting it with Bob’s public key, which she can easily find. Only David, with his private key, can decrypt it.
  • Confidentiality: Only the person with the private key (David) can decrypt the messages or transactions encrypted with the corresponding public key.
  • Authenticity: The system verifies the sender’s identity, ensuring that the message is genuinely from Alice.
  • Integrity: The message remains unaltered during transmission. If someone tries to tamper with it, the encrypted version changes, alerting David to the interference.
 A chart comparing Public Keys vs Private Keys

In summary, public-private key encryption ensures that only the intended recipient can read the message, confirms the sender’s identity, and maintains the integrity of the message, making it a cornerstone of secure digital communication.

Disadvantages of Public Key Encryption

While public key encryption is a robust security measure, it does come with some drawbacks:

Longer Computation Time

One significant disadvantage is that it can be slow and resource-intensive. The algorithms used for public-private key encryption are much more complex than those for symmetric encryption. This complexity means they require more processing power and take longer to compute.

Expanded Cipher Text

The encrypted message or transaction, known as cipher text, can be much larger than the original plain text. Public keys are typically longer than private keys, and they must be included in every encrypted message or transaction. This can pose challenges for digital currency networks, which may struggle with large volumes of data. Additionally, the expanded ciphertext can also make it more difficult for hackers to decipher and access sensitive information.

Unsuitable for Large Data Sets

Public-private key encryption isn’t ideal for encrypting large data sets. The public and private keys are usually generated together and are the same size. Encrypting a large data set would require a much larger key, which is impractical for a public-private key pair. This is why many digital currencies use a hybrid system, combining public-private key encryption with symmetric encryption and hashing algorithms for efficiency.

In summary, while public key encryption provides high security, it can be slow, increase data size, and be less efficient for large data sets, leading to the use of hybrid encryption methods in many applications.

What is Hybrid Encryption?

Hybrid encryption is a smart approach that combines the best of both symmetric and asymmetric encryption to ensure both speed and security. It's commonly used in scenarios where large amounts of data need to be encrypted quickly without compromising on safety—think of e-commerce websites that need to protect your data while staying fast and responsive.

So, how does hybrid encryption work? Here's a simple breakdown:

  1. Session Key Creation: A small piece of data, called the session key, is encrypted using a public key. This session key is a temporary key used just for that session.
  2. Data Encryption: The session key then encrypts the rest of the data using symmetric encryption, which is much faster and efficient for large amounts of data.
  3. Key Encryption: The session key itself is encrypted with the recipient's public key, ensuring that only they can decrypt it with their private key.

This method allows for the fast processing of symmetric encryption while still benefiting from the secure key exchange of asymmetric encryption. However, if the session key is compromised, the entire data could be at risk. Therefore, safeguarding the session key is crucial to maintaining the overall security of the system.

Hashing Algorithms and Hybrid Encryption

If a session key needs to be a small piece of data, how can we ensure it's the right size?

What are Hash Algorithms?

A hash algorithm is a mathematical function that takes an input of any size and produces a fixed-size output, known as a "hash" or "digest." This fixed-size output is useful in various scenarios, including hybrid encryption and password storage.

Hashing for Efficiency

Hashing algorithms are often used to store passwords because they can convert any input into a consistent, fixed-size output. This means passwords can be stored efficiently in databases without occupying too much space.

Hashing in Digital currency

In the world of digital currencies, hashing algorithms play a vital role. For instance, Bitcoin uses the SHA-256 hashing algorithm. When you want to send Bitcoin to someone, you use their wallet address. However, to avoid the hassle of typing out a long, complex address, a hash of the address is used instead. This is known as a “Bitcoin address” or “address hash.”

Hybrid Encryption and Hashing

In hybrid encryption, hash algorithms ensure that session keys are of the appropriate size. By creating a fixed-size hash, the session key can be securely and efficiently managed within the encryption system.

In summary, hash algorithms are essential in maintaining the efficiency and security of both password storage and digital currency transactions, and they play a crucial role in the smooth operation of hybrid encryption systems.

Real-World Applications of Public Key Encryption

You may not realize it, but you engage with public-private key encryption multiple times a day. This powerful encryption system underpins a variety of everyday applications. Here are a few examples:

Email Encryption

Email encryption safeguards the privacy of your emails. It works by encrypting the email content with a public key so only the intended recipient can decrypt it using their private key.

Secure Shell (SSH)

SSH is a protocol used to securely connect to remote servers. It employs public-private key encryption to authenticate users and encrypt transmitted data, ensuring secure remote access.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

VPNs encrypt data transmitted over the internet, providing a secure connection. Businesses commonly use VPNs to protect sensitive data, such as customer information and confidential documents.

Digital Signatures

Digital signatures verify the origin of a piece of data, ensuring it comes from a specific person or entity. They are widely used to protect the authenticity of documents, such as contracts. A digital signature is created by combining the data with a private key, producing a "signature" that can be verified with the corresponding public key. If valid, this proves that the data came from the owner of the private key. Understanding digital signatures is crucial in understanding the security of data and the importance of private keys.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) / Transport Layer Security (TLS)

SSL and TLS are protocols that encrypt data transmitted over the internet. They are commonly used on websites to protect user information, such as login credentials and credit card details. When you see "https://" in a website URL, it means the site is using SSL/TLS encryption.

These applications demonstrate how public-private key encryption enhances security and privacy in our digital interactions, from securing websites and emails to protecting remote server access and sensitive business data.

Câu hỏi thường gặp

How is a Public Key Created?

A public key is generated from a private key using a cryptographic algorithm. This process is one-way, meaning you cannot derive the private key from the public key.

Can Someone Steal My Digital currency with Just My Public Key?

No, a public key alone cannot be used to steal your digital currency. It’s used to receive funds and verify signatures, but only the private key can authorize spending.

What Happens if I Lose My Private Key?

Losing your private key means losing access to your digital currency. There’s no way to recover it or the funds it controls, making secure storage essential.

Can I Change My Public or Private Key?

You cannot change an existing public or private key, but you can generate a new key pair. However, any digital currency sent to the old public key will still require the corresponding old private key to access.

What’s the Difference Between a Public Key and a Private Key?

A public key is a cryptographic code used to receive digital currencies and verify digital signatures. It’s safe to share with others.

A private key, on the other hand, is a confidential cryptographic code that allows you to sign transactions and access your digital assets. It must be kept secret.

Why is a Private Key So Important?

A private key is crucial because it’s used to sign transactions and prove you own your digital currency. Without it, you can’t access or transfer your funds.

How Should I Store My Private Key?

Store your private keys securely, using methods such as hardware wallets, paper wallets, or encrypted digital storage. Keep them offline to protect against hackers.

Never take screenshots of your private keys or store them online.

Can My Public Key Reveal My Private Key?

No, public keys cannot be used to determine private keys. Cryptographic algorithms make it computationally impossible to reverse-engineer the private key from the public key.

Is it Safe to Share My Public Key?

Yes, it’s safe and necessary to share your public key to receive digital currency. However, your private key should always remain confidential.

What is a Key Pair?

A key pair consists of a public key and a private key that are mathematically linked. The public key receives funds, while the private key signs transactions and accesses those funds.

Phần kết luận

Understanding the fundamentals of cryptography, especially the roles of public and private keys, is crucial for anyone engaging with digital currencies. These cryptographic tools ensure the security and integrity of your assets, allowing for secure transactions and communication. By grasping how public and private keys work together, you can better protect your investments and confidently navigate the digital landscape.

Beyond secure key management, leveraging Transfi’s suite of products—payouts, collections, and ramp services—can significantly enhance your digital currency experience. Transfi offers streamlined, efficient methods for managing transactions, ensuring funds are transferred quickly and securely, whether you’re sending payouts globally, collecting payments from various sources, or converting between fiat and digital currencies.

By integrating these robust tools into your financial operations, you can enjoy faster, more secure, and cost-effective transactions. Embrace the future of digital finance with Transfi, ensuring your digital assets are managed with the highest level of security and efficiency, and unlock the full potential of your digital currency ventures.

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