Bagaimana kami dapat membantu Anda?

Terima kasih! Kiriman Anda telah diterima!
Ups! Terjadi kesalahan saat mengirimkan formulir.

Tidak dapat menemukan apa yang Anda cari?
Naikkan Tiket

Pusat bantuan
What do I do if my customer makes an over/underpayment?
What do I do if my customer makes an over/underpayment?
  • In case the customer makes an overpayment, the payment request will be marked as Overpaid under the Transactions section and TransFi will automatically adjust the balance with the next invoices to the same payer. 
  • In case the customer makes an underpayment, the payment request will be marked as Underpaid and the merchant can request the payer to use the same payment link to pay the remaining balance.

Butuh bantuan lebih lanjut?