Kaip galime jums padėti?

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Pagalbos centras
Sąskaitų faktūrų išrašymo įrankis
What digital currencies can I use to pay an invoice?
What digital currencies can I use to pay an invoice?

We support payment in the following digital currencies:

  • Tether (USDT)
  • JAV dolerių moneta (USDC)
  • Bitcoin (BTC: on-chain, and Lightning)
  • Ethereum (ETH)

We support these coins in the following networks:

  • USDT: TRON Network, Ethereum network and Polygon Network
  • USDC: Ethereum network, Polygon Network
  • BTC: Bitcoin network, Lightning network
  • ETH: Ethereum network

Any questions? Please reach out to  customercare@transfi.com. We will be more than happy to assist.

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