Web3 revoliucija: Decentralizuoto interneto ateitis

10 min.

2024 m. birželio 28 d.

If you’re passionate about digital currencies and NFTs, you’ve undoubtedly heard of “Web3” (or Web 3.0). This term represents the next evolution of the web, where blockchain technology takes center stage.

Unfortunately, you’ve probably also witnessed the term being overused and stripped of its meaning. Even Elon Musk has called it a marketing buzzword, and Jack Dorsey has dismissed it as a gimmick pushed by venture capitalists.

Yet, when used correctly, Web3 is a term rich with substance. Often misattributed to Polkadot founder and Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood, it’s actually WIRED’s Gilad Edelman who aptly described it in a 2021 interview with Wood as “a decentralized online ecosystem based on the blockchain.”

That’s a precise definition, far from the vague tech jargon you might find in many company whitepapers (yes, I’m talking about you, “digital transformation”).

Web3 is not just a concept but a blueprint for a new digital era. But what does it really entail? And how does it stand apart from its predecessors?

Kas yra "Web3"?

Web3, also known as Web 3.0, is the next generation of the internet, utilizing blockchain technology and digital currency tokens to create a decentralized web. Unlike today's centralized internet, Web3 operates on networks maintained by numerous individual users rather than large corporations.

The Web3 Foundation, established by Gavin Wood, defines Web3 as “a decentralized and fair internet where users control their own data, identity, and destiny.” Similarly, Investopedia describes it as the next iteration of the web “built upon the core concepts of decentralization, openness, and greater user utility.” Common themes include decentralization through blockchain and enhanced user control.

A picture of Polkadot founder and Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood.


Web3 goes beyond introducing new features; it enhances them far beyond what we've known. To understand Web3, it's helpful to look at its predecessors, Web 1.0 and Web 2.0.

Chris Dixon, a tech entrepreneur and Web3 advocate, explained this well on the Tim Ferris podcast. Web 1.0 was the "read-only" web, where static pages provided information with little interaction. Web 2.0 brought the "read-write" web, enabling social media and user-generated content but leading to centralized control.

Now, Web3 is emerging as the "read-write-own" web. It empowers users to have more control over their digital lives, owning their data, assets, and online identities. Web3 is about creating a fairer, user-focused internet.

As we move into the era of Web3, we're not just advancing technology. We're embracing a future with more control, freedom, and an internet that truly belongs to us.

Web 1.0 (1990 - 2005)

Invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Web 1.0 marked the dawn of the World Wide Web that captivated us in the mid-90s. According to Chris Dixon, it was the "killer app" built on the pre-existing internet. Web 1.0 was characterized by its read-only content, where users consumed information rather than creating it through static web pages using HTML.

A screenshot of the early eBay site.


While this era, which Dixon describes as a "golden age" of innovation, laid the groundwork for the internet, the products of that time were quite limited in scope.

Web 2.0 (2005 - Present)

With the advent of Web 2.0 in the early 2000s, social media platforms like Facebook (launched in 2004) and Twitter (in 2006) began to dominate. Content creation shifted to users, leading to the rise of collaborative websites like wikis. This participative web allowed users to both consume and create their own content. Despite its user-centric facade, Web 2.0 became highly centralized, controlled by a handful of tech giants. As Dixon notes, “Five-plus companies kind of control the internet.” Emily Taylor of Slate encapsulates this by saying, "Omnes cives Googlani sumus" – "We are all Google citizens now."

Web3 (Present - ???)

Dixon defines Web3 as “an internet owned by users and builders, orchestrated with tokens.”

Let's break it down: Web3 products are developed from the bottom-up, empowering users and builders rather than being controlled by centralized entities. While platforms resembling Facebook or Twitter can exist in Web3, they are not owned by traditional companies. Instead, the value and control lie with the users.

A screenshot of a Chris Dixon tweet comparing web1, web2, and web3.


A prime example of this decentralized model is the DAO—Decentralized Autonomous Organization. DAOs are networks where members can make decisions and vote without ever meeting or revealing their identities. They provide a glimpse into the future of Web3.

What fundamentally changes in Web3 is the distribution of value and ownership through tokens. Unlike Web 2.0, where companies profit from user-generated content, Web3 directly rewards creators. Tokens are the key to this shift, giving users control.

In DAOs, governance tokens and smart contracts enable member participation. Governance tokens allow holders to vote on decisions, with voting power proportional to tokens held. Smart contracts are self-executing codes that facilitate trustless transactions, ensuring rules are followed and votes are counted accurately.

Web3 is not just a technological upgrade; it's a paradigm shift towards a more equitable and user-focused internet. As we transition into this new era, we embrace a web where users truly own their digital experiences.

Tokens: Web3’s Driving Force

If the World Wide Web was the game-changer that transformed the internet, then blockchain tokens are the revolutionary force driving the development of Web3. Dr. Shermin Voshmgir, Director of the Cryptoeconomic Research Lab at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, champions this view.

“We're just at the beginning,” Voshmgir shared in a lecture at the Token Engineering Global Gathering. Despite the trillions of dollars in market capitalization for digital assets, Voshmgir compares the current state of blockchain tokens to the early days of Web 1.0, when people were just beginning to experiment with hypertext. “People knew how to create websites, but they didn't know what to put on them,” she said. “So they said ‘Hello world’.” This comparison highlights the potential for growth and innovation in the world of Web3, where tokens and tokenization are the driving force behind the development of decentralized systems.

Similarly, we’re still uncovering the true potential of blockchain tokens, which Voshmgir calls “rights management tools.” While cryptocurrencies are popular and fungible, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have recently gained attention. “We're still in the very early stages of creating tokens and figuring out what we can do with them, including their potential to affect the structure of financial services and capital markets,” Voshmgir noted.

Tokens are crucial for Web3 because they fundamentally reshape social and economic dynamics by creating new incentives. Voshmgir describes tokens as tools that can “steer” human coordination. One significant way they do this is through value creation. Currently, individual value creation often focuses on private goods, while public goods, like healthcare, are managed by institutions funded by taxpayers. Tokens have the potential to bridge this gap by incentivizing individual actions towards collective goals. For instance, PlanetWatch, an initiative to combat global pollution, rewards users with tokens for monitoring local air quality.

The Variety and Potential of Blockchain Tokens

The variety of blockchain tokens—such as DeFi coins, governance tokens, and more—is vast and complex, making it impossible to cover all permutations in a single article. However, for understanding Web3, it’s enough to know that if blockchain is the infrastructure of the decentralized web’s next phase, then tokens are the vital force that coordinates and drives action.

Blockchain tokens play a multifaceted role in the ecosystem of Web3. They are not just digital representations of value but also instruments that can control access, validate transactions, and even influence voting outcomes in decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). This versatility is what makes them powerful tools in reimagining various sectors, from finance to social networks.

Tokens and Decentralization

The decentralization aspect of tokens is where their revolutionary potential lies. Traditional financial institutions, which have historically held significant power over the flow of money and information, are being challenged by decentralized finance (DeFi). DeFi platforms leverage tokens to offer financial services without intermediaries, reducing costs and increasing accessibility for users worldwide. This democratization of finance is a clear indication of how tokens can disrupt established systems.

Moreover, tokens enhance user experience by providing more control over personal data and how it's used. In traditional internet models, user data is often harvested and monetized by companies without explicit consent. In contrast, blockchain tokens enable a more transparent and user-centric model where individuals can manage and monetize their personal information. This shift is crucial in addressing the growing concerns over data privacy and security.

Integration with Emerging Technologies

The integration of blockchain tokens with emerging technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) further amplifies their impact. For instance, in an IoT ecosystem, tokens can facilitate automated machine-to-machine transactions, enhancing the efficiency and scalability of these networks. AI algorithms can also utilize tokens to access vast amounts of data in a decentralized manner, improving the quality and reliability of AI models without compromising user privacy.

The Role of Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are another critical component of the token ecosystem. These self-executing contracts, written in code, automate and enforce agreements without the need for intermediaries. This automation not only reduces costs but also minimizes the risk of human error and fraud. Smart contracts are particularly valuable in scenarios requiring transparency and trust, such as supply chain management and legal agreements.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the promising potential, the adoption of blockchain tokens is not without challenges. Scalability remains a significant hurdle. The current infrastructure needs to handle the increasing volume of transactions efficiently to support widespread adoption. Innovations like sharding and layer-2 solutions are being developed to address these scalability issues.

Regulatory uncertainty is another critical challenge. Governments and regulatory bodies worldwide are still grappling with how to classify and regulate digital assets. This lack of clear regulation can hinder investment and adoption. However, as the technology matures and more use cases come to fruition, it is expected that regulatory frameworks will evolve to accommodate these new digital assets.

The Future of Tokens in Web3

Looking ahead, the potential applications of blockchain tokens are vast and varied. From revolutionizing the way we handle personal information to creating new economic models that incentivize collective action, tokens are poised to play a central role in the digital economy of the future.

As Voshmgir aptly puts it, we are just at the beginning. The journey of exploring and realizing the full potential of blockchain tokens will be one of continuous innovation and discovery. By leveraging the principles of decentralization, transparency, and user empowerment, tokens can reshape the internet and create a more equitable and efficient digital world.

Exploring the Future of Web3: Perspectives and Potential Pathways

Opinions on Web3 vary widely, sparking debates that mirror past technological shifts. Some dismiss it, echoing sentiments likened to early cloud computing skeptics facing an inevitable digital revolution. Others embrace Web3 fervently but grapple over its evolution—questions of blockchain’s centrality, the paradox of decentralization amid centralized blockchains, and the rise of dominant use cases like DAOs and DeFi. As the concept of Web3 continues to gain traction, technologists are exploring its potential pathways and the future it may hold for the internet, including the crucial role of nodes and servers in this decentralized ecosystem and the potential for decentralization to challenge traditional centralization.

Yet amidst these divergences lies the pulse of innovation—where programmers, developers, and entrepreneurs shape the contours of tomorrow. Their dialogues unveil the complexities and promise of Web3, painting a vivid landscape of technological advancement and societal change.

For those captivated by the future, these conversations are essential. They illuminate not just the technology itself, but the profound shifts it promises across industries and communities. In decoding Web3, look beyond the debates; seek the voices molding its reality—the architects of our digital tomorrow.

Web 3.0 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How is Web 3.0 different from Web 2.0 and Web 1.0?

In the evolving landscape of the internet, Web3 stands as a beacon of empowerment for users and creators alike. It’s a realm where ownership reigns supreme—where digital content isn’t just consumed but owned, where creators monetize their artistry, and where participation isn’t just welcomed, but financially rewarded.

Think of it this way: Web1.0 was like peering through a window, where interaction was minimal and passive. Web2.0 opened the door, inviting participation, but the rewards often stayed out of reach. Now, with Web3, the third generation of the World Wide Web, that door swings wide open, offering a platform where ownership and creativity converge, empowering individuals to not only shape their digital presence but also reap the tangible rewards of their contributions to the decentralized, open Web 3.0 powered by the Semantic Web and the future of the internet. This new web will operate on decentralized peer-to-peer networks, allowing for direct interaction without the need for a trusted intermediary, and will be permissionless, meaning anyone can access it without permission from a governing body. These key features of Web 3.0, along with the use of dApps, will revolutionize the way we use and interact with the internet.

It’s a paradigm shift where digital art isn’t just admired but becomes a valuable asset, where every interaction holds the potential for economic empowerment. In this new era of the internet, Web3 isn’t just a technology—it’s a promise of a more inclusive, creative, and economically vibrant digital world.

What is the Web3 ecosystem?

The Web3 ecosystem comprises a wide range of technologies, platforms, and applications built on decentralized networks. This includes blockchain networks like Ethereum and Polkadot, decentralized applications (dApps), decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and protocols for decentralized storage and identity verification. The ecosystem also involves various stakeholders, including developers, users, investors, and organizations like the Web3 Foundation that support the development and adoption of Web3 technologies.

What are examples of Web 1.0 companies?

Some examples of Web 1.0 companies include:

- Apple

- Google

- Microsoft

- Amazon

- eBay

What are examples of Web 2.0 companies?

Some examples of Web 2.0 companies include:

- Facebook (Meta)

- Twitter (X)

- YouTube

- Wikipedia

- Amazon

What are examples of Web 3.0 companies?

Some examples of Web 3.0 companies include:

- TransFi

- Binance

- Chainalysis

- Coinbase

- OpenSea

What is the Web3 Foundation?

The Web3 Foundation is an organization that promotes and supports the development of Web3 technologies and applications. It funds research and development of decentralized protocols and applications, aiming to build a more decentralized and inclusive internet. The foundation is known for supporting projects like Polkadot, which facilitates interoperability between different blockchain networks.

What are Web3 websites?

Web3 websites are digital platforms that operate on decentralized networks using blockchain technology. Web3 websites utilize smart contracts, decentralized applications (dApps), and other blockchain features to provide services directly to users without relying on central servers or authorities. Examples include platforms for decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and decentralized social networks.

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