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Pusat bantuan
I received more/less digital currency than the estimated amount in my order. What should I do ?
I received more/less digital currency than the estimated amount in my order. What should I do ?

How and why estimated digital payment amounts can differ from actual payments

TransFi at no point in the purchasing process holds funds(fiat or digital currency) on the users behalf, for security and market risk mitigation reasons.

As a result, transactions are settled instantly upon receipt of bank payment.

Please note that bank transfers settle/process at different time frames, and depend on the users choice of bank service provider and location.
For illustration purposes:

User makes order on TransFi as follows:

  • Market Price (at the time of placing order) - EUR 10,000
  • Estimated Amount - 1 BTC
  • Total Payment - EUR 10,000
  • Payment Method - EUR SEPA bank transfer (Processing time - 1 - 3 working days)

(Considering the transaction was made on 03 Jan 2022, Friday, the user's bank takes the maximum 3 working days to process it and settles the user's bank transfer on 07 Jan 2022, Tuesday)

User's transactions will be executed as follow:

  • Market Price (at time of bank transfer settlement) - EUR 9,000
  • Actual Amount - 1.11111111 BTC
  • Date of settlement - Tuesday 07 Jan 2020
  • Total Payment - EUR 10,000
  • Payment Method - EUR SEPA bank transfer (Processing time - 1 - 3 working days)

Please remember that this example is purely hypothetical and markets can move in either direction in the time between the creation of order and settlement of bank transfer.

TransFi does not at any point in time hold funds or release funds based on favourable market conditions. This delay is purely based on the user's choice of payment methods used and the banking service provider.

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