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Pusat bantuan
Bagaimana cara mengelola transaksi dan melacak status penyelesaian?
Bagaimana cara mengelola transaksi dan melacak status penyelesaian?

To manage transactions and track settlement status, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the "Transactions" Tab: Once logged into your TransFi Payout account, go to the "Transactions" section in the main menu.
  2. Choose Transaction Type: Select the type of transaction you want to review, such as "All," "Individual Payments," or "Add Money."
  3. View Recent Transactions: The dashboard will display recent activity-related transactions. You can view details of these transactions directly from this screen.
  4. Access the Transaction Receipt: To get more details about a specific transaction, click on the "eye" icon. This will open the transaction receipt and display its full details, including the processing steps and settlement status.

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