Memahami Token ERC20: Panduan Komprehensif

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30 Juli 2024


Since it kicked off in 2015, the Ethereum blockchain has led the way for decentralized apps (dApps) and smart contracts. At its core, you'll find a whole world of dApps, digital tokens, and wallets built around the ERC20 token standard. This set of guidelines is known as Ethereum Request for Comments 20. It lays out how these special Ethereum tokens should work together smoothly to help grow the network.

ERC20 tokens have changed how people make and handle tokens on this blockchain by offering a clear set of rules that ensure they play well with different applications, wallets, exchanges, and smart contracts all within the Ethereum space. Thanks to following these standards developers can whip up new tokens that easily get along with other apps based on Ethereum which helps keep everything running like a well-oiled machine in this bustling ecosystem focused on decentralized finance (DeFi).

In our detailed guide here we're going to cover what ERC10s are from top to bottom - looking into their technical bits why they're great both for folks building them and those using them plus highlighting some key projects making use of these nifty little things.  

Exploring the Basics of ERC20 Tokens

ERC20 tokens are super important in the Ethereum blockchain world. They're like a recipe for making smart-contract-powered tokens that all play by the same rules and work nicely together. Think of these tokens as being all alike, so you can swap one for another easily because they match perfectly. With these tokens, everything on Ethereum – like apps, digital wallets, trading places, and smart contracts – gets along better since they understand how to interact with each token following this standard. This makes it easier for developers to build new kinds of tokens that fit right into the Ethereum ecosystem without any hiccups, opening up more doors for what we can do with decentralized finance across various applications while keeping things running smoothly.

What is ERC20?

ERC20, which stands for Ethereum Request for Comments 20, is like a rulebook for making tokens that can be swapped out with each other on the Ethereum blockchain. Think of these fungible tokens as identical twins; you can swap one for another, and no one would notice the difference. This technical standard lays down some important rules and jobs that these Ethereum-based tokens need to follow. By doing so, it makes sure they play nicely with different apps, wallets, exchanges, and smart contracts within the big world of the Ethereum ecosystem.

With functions covering how many tokens there are in total (total supply), keeping track of everyone's token balance (balance tracking), moving tokens from one person to another (token transfers between addresses), setting up permissions on who gets to spend your tokens(permissions) ,and even allowing certain addresses special access(allowances) , ERC20 helps developers create new types of coins or "tokens" that work well across various applications in this digital realm. It’s all about ensuring everything works together smoothly(interoperability), without any hitches(compatibility), helping grow not just their own projects but also supporting the wider network(functionality).

The Origin of ERC-20

In 2015, developer Fabian Vogelsteller envisioned a solution to streamline the creation, usage, and exchange of tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. His vision materialized in 2017 as Ethereum Improvement Proposal 20 (EIP-20), commonly known as ERC-20. But what prompted this innovation?

Before ERC-20, the Ethereum ecosystem was fragmented, with no standardized way to handle tokens. This lack of uniformity led to significant hurdles in token interoperability and exchange. ERC-20 emerged as a technical standard for fungible tokens, ensuring that each token within a set is indistinguishable from another.

A photo of developer Fabian Vogelsteller, creator of the ERC20 fungible token standard.
Fabian Vogelsteller, creator of the ERC20 token standard (Image source)

Since its inception, ERC-20 has become a foundational element of the Ethereum network, catalyzing innovation and growth. It provides developers with a reliable framework to create versatile solutions and enhance the platform's capabilities.

Just like transactions involving traditional Ether, all ERC-20 token activities are meticulously recorded on the Ethereum blockchain. This ensures comprehensive traceability and transparency, safeguarding the integrity of every token transfer and operation within the network.

The Significance of the ERC20 Standard in the Ethereum Ecosystem

In the world of Ethereum, the ERC20 standard is a big deal. It's like the rule book for making tokens that can be traded and used in lots of different ways on Ethereum's blockchain. This has opened up doors for people to come up with cool new ideas and help grow what you can do on Ethereum. By having this common set of rules, all sorts of apps, digital wallets, trading places, and smart contracts can easily work together without any hiccups.

With ERC20 leading the charge, there’s been a boom in decentralized finance (DeFi) projects popping up everywhere on Ethereum. This not only makes things more exciting but also helps make sure there’s plenty of activity and money moving around within Ethereum's space. It basically gives everyone a straightforward way to create their own tokens which means less headache when it comes to checking if everything works right or fitting into existing setups. Plus, thanks to ERC 20 standards paving paths left and right within the Ethereum community, developers have gotten super creative with how they use these tokens - from games to serious business tools - showing off just how versatile blockchain tech really is.

The Technical Foundation of ERC20 Tokens

At the heart of ERC20 tokens, we find smart contracts, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), and a principle called fungibility. Smart contracts are basically programs that run by themselves once their conditions are met, laying out all terms in code form. They're crucial because they set up and manage these tokens by spelling out what can and cannot be done with them, ensuring their usability & reliability.

A chart showing the ERC20 smart contract interface.
The ERC20 token contract interface (Image source)

As for the EVM, it's like the engine room where smart contracts do their thing on the Ethereum blockchain. It gives all necessary computational power to carry out whatever tasks those token-related rules say need doing. On another note, fungibility is about making sure every token is just like its buddies—identical so they can easily swap places or be used within ethereum's world without any hitches, providing a warranty of seamless and uniform stability.

Key Functions and Features

ERC-20 tokens are integral to the Ethereum ecosystem, adhering to a set of core rules and functions that ensure their seamless operation. Here’s a breakdown of the primary functions that govern ERC-20 tokens:

Total Supply: This function reveals the total number of ERC-20 tokens that will ever exist, providing a clear picture of the token’s supply.

Balance Of: This function allows anyone to check the number of tokens held by a specific wallet address, ensuring transparency and easy tracking.

Transfer: This function enables token holders to send tokens directly to another address, facilitating straightforward transactions.

Transfer From: Similar to the transfer function, this allows tokens to be sent from one address to another, but with the added capability of being executed by an authorized third party.

Approve: Through this function, a token holder can grant another address permission to use a certain number of their tokens, empowering delegated transactions.

Allowance: This function sets a limit on how many tokens an approved address can spend from the token holder’s account, adding a layer of control and security.

Optional Features for Enhanced Functionality

Beyond these essential functions, ERC-20 tokens can also include optional functions & features that provide additional information and utility:

  1. Name: The name of the token, which helps users identify it.
  1. Symbol: A shorthand representation of the token, similar to a stock ticker symbol.
  1. Decimals: This defines the token’s divisibility, indicating how many decimal places the token can be divided into.

These optional features enhance the user experience by making tokens easier to recognize and understand, thereby fostering greater confidence and clarity in their use.

 An image of the Ethereum logo connecting the world
ERC-20 tokens serve an important role to help power the Ethereum network

Understanding Smart Contracts in ERC20

Smart contracts are super important when it comes to making and handling ERC20 tokens. Think of a smart contract as an automatic agreement where all the rules are coded right in. For ERC20 tokens, this means the smart contract sets up how things work, like how many tokens there are in total, keeping track of everyone's token balance, moving tokens around, and who is allowed to use them.

For folks to mess with their ERC20 tokens, they need an Ethereum wallet that gets along with smart contracts. These wallets let users see how many tokens they have and make transfers very easy. Solidity is the go-to language for writing these smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain because it was made just for that.

Thanks to smart contracts, dealing with ERC20 tokens on the Ethereum ecosystem is safe and clear-cut. They make sure everything runs smoothly by sticking to set rules which mean you can trust transactions will happen without any hitches within this part of blockchain technology.

Advantages of ERC20 Tokens for Developers and Users

In the Ethereum ecosystem, ERC-20 tokens offer numerous benefits for both developers and users. For developers, the standardized set of rules simplifies the token creation process, reducing the initial workload and encouraging innovation. This standardization ensures seamless integration with various applications, wallets, and exchanges, making the development of new projects more accessible and efficient.

Interoperability Across Platforms

A significant advantage of this tokens is it's compatibility across different platforms within the Ethereum network. Users can effortlessly swap, trade, and utilize these tokens in numerous Ethereum-based applications. This interoperability fosters a user-friendly environment where decentralized apps (dApps), wallets, exchanges, and smart contracts can communicate and interact seamlessly.

The standardized framework of ERC-20 tokens also simplifies the development process, allowing developers to focus on innovation without worrying about compatibility issues. This cohesive ecosystem facilitates the creation of new financial services and products, enhancing the overall user experience.

Simplification of Token Creation Process

Before the advent of ERC-20, creating and exchanging tokens on the Ethereum blockchain was complex due to the lack of a unified standard. ERC-20 introduced a common set of rules, making it significantly easier for developers to create tokens that are compatible with a wide array of applications, wallets, and exchanges within the Ethereum ecosystem.

This standardization not only simplifies the development process but also eliminates confusion regarding token behavior. It lowers barriers to entry for new developers and fosters a vibrant community of innovative projects, benefiting the entire Ethereum network.


Leveraging Ethereum's robust infrastructure, ERC-20 tokens inherit the scalability and security features of the Ethereum blockchain. This ensures efficient transactions and reliable execution of smart contracts, making ERC-20 tokens a scalable solution for various applications.


The widespread adoption of ERC-20 tokens has significantly contributed to the liquidity of the Ethereum ecosystem. This enhanced liquidity supports the growth of decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and liquidity pools, ensuring that users can trade and swap tokens with ease.


ERC-20 tokens can be stored and managed using a variety of Ethereum wallets, providing users with easy access across different platforms and devices. This widespread accessibility ensures that users can manage their tokens conveniently, regardless of their preferred wallet or device.

Prominent Projects Utilizing ERC20 Tokens

ERC20 tokens are really popular in the digital currency world. They're used for all sorts of things, like digital currencies and stablecoins, to stuff that helps run platforms and even tokens you can use on those platforms. A bunch of big-name projects have picked up ERC20 tokens because they see how useful they can be for creating new stuff and growing in the blockchain area.

With different tokens like Tether (USDT), USD Coin (USDC), Chainlink (LINK), Uniswap (UNI), Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC), and Shiba Inu (SHIB) jumping on board, it's clear these tokens aren't just a one-trick pony. They cover a wide range of what you can do in decentralized finance or DeFi, showing off how flexible ERC20 tokens are when it comes to coming up with cool new ways to use the Ethereum blockchain.

An Overview of Market Leaders

In the world of ERC20 tokens, a few big names really stand out because they're widely used and well-known in the crypto community. These top players have made a huge difference in how decentralized finance (DeFi) works and have helped make the Ethereum blockchain more useful by adding to its growth and liquidity.

Menambatkan (USDT)


For starters, Tether (USDT) is the stablecoin that always aims to match the US dollar's value. It's super popular for use in various decentralized applications (dApps) on Ethereum, acting as an important way people trade within this ecosystem.  



USD Coin (USDC), another stablecoin pegged to the US dollar, is praised for being open about what it does and following rules closely.

Chainlink (LINK)

LINK logo

Then there's Chainlink (LINK), which lets smart contracts talk securely with outside data sources through decentralized oracle networks—this means reliable information feeds for these contracts.  

Uniswap (UNI)

UNI logo

Uniswap's native token UNI plays a crucial role in making sure there’s enough money moving around their platform while also letting users have a say in decisions.

Bitcoin yang Dibungkus (WBTC)

WBTC logo

Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) brings Bitcoin into play on Ethereum by matching its value but running as an ERC20 token; this opens up new ways for bitcoin holders to get involved with DeFi projects on Ethereum.  

Shiba Inu (SHIB)

 SHIB logo

SHIB started off just like Dogecoin (DOGE)—as fun—but has grown into something bigger with its own set of tokens and DeFi activities.

Limitations of ERC-20 Tokens

Despite their many advantages, these tokens come with a set of challenges and limitations that cannot be overlooked:

Scalability Constraints

The surging demand for Ethereum transactions often results in network congestion and high gas fees. This bottleneck hampers the scalability and broader adoption of ERC-20 tokens, limiting their potential.

Smart Contract Risks

Errors or bugs in smart contract code can lead to irreversible losses or unintended behaviors. Rigorous auditing and thorough testing are essential to mitigate these risks and ensure contract reliability.

Security Vulnerabilities

ERC-20 smart contracts can be a target for malicious attacks. Exploiting these vulnerabilities can lead to severe security breaches and the theft of tokens, making security a critical concern.

Regulatory Ambiguity

The regulatory framework for ERC-20 tokens is still in flux. The lack of clear classifications and oversight from regulatory bodies creates uncertainty and potential legal challenges for both issuers and users.

Additional Security Threats

ERC-20 tokens face a variety of other security threats, including the exploitation of backdoors in token functions, vulnerabilities from insufficient testing and auditing, pump-and-dump schemes due to the ease of creating tokens, and various phishing and cryptocurrency scams.

While ERC-20 tokens have significantly advanced the digital asset landscape, it is vital to acknowledge and address these challenges to ensure their safe and effective utilization.

ERC20 Tokens vs. Other Standards

On the Ethereum blockchain, ERC20 tokens are just one way to create tokens. These tokens can be swapped with each other because they're all the same kind. But there's more out there than just ERC20s. For things that aren't interchangeable, like unique items or collectibles, we have different standards.

An image of various Ethereum logos spread across a city landscape.

With ERC721, every token is one-of-a-kind and has its own special number to tell it apart from others. This setup is perfect for stuff like digital art or rare items in games since you know exactly what you're getting and who owns it. Then there's ERC1155 which mixes both replaceable and unique tokens together in a single deal. This makes it super handy for video games where you might have common items (like coins) but also rare gear or characters.

These various options show how flexible and creative people can be within the Ethereum ecosystem when creating digital assets for all sorts of use cases across gaming, collecting art online, and beyond.

Comparing ERC20 to ERC721 and ERC1155

When discussing ERC20 tokens, it is important to note the distinction between fungible tokens and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). While ERC20 tokens are fungible, meaning they can be exchanged on a one-to-one basis, ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens are non-fungible, representing unique assets.

ERC721 tokens, also known as NFTs, are indivisible and unique digital tokens that can represent ownership of assets such as art, collectibles, and virtual real estate. Each ERC721 token has a unique identifier, making it different from other tokens. This uniqueness allows for the creation of unique digital assets and ownership structures.

On the other hand, ERC1155 tokens combine the properties of both fungible and non-fungible tokens. They allow for the creation of both unique and identical tokens within a single contract. This flexibility opens up a wide range of use cases, especially in gaming where different assets can be represented by both unique and identical tokens.

Here is a comparison between ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155 tokens:

While ERC20 tokens dominate the Ethereum ecosystem due to their compatibility and ease of use, ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens are gaining popularity in specific use cases that require unique and non-fungible digital assets.

How to Acquire and Store ERC20 Tokens

To get and keep ERC20 tokens, you need to know a bit about how crypto wallets work and how to stay safe. Here's what you should do:

  1. First off, pick an Ethereum wallet that can hold ERC20 tokens. MetaMask or Ledger are good choices.
  1. Next up, buy some Ethereum (ETH).  
  1. After buying ETH, link your Ethereum wallet to the exchange so you can move the ETH into your wallet.
  1. Now look for ERC20 tokens.  
  1. When you've got your hands on some ERC20 tokens, send them over to your Ethereum wallet for keeping them safe. Make sure the wallet addresses correct and follow all safety steps closely.

It's super important not only to keep those private keys or recovery phrases somewhere secure but also never tell anyone about them. Always make sure your wallet software is up-to-date and be careful when dealing with sites or apps that don't seem trustworthy.

Tips for Securely Managing Your Tokens

Keeping your ERC20 tokens safe is key to safeguarding your money and assets. Here's how you can keep them secure:

  1. With hardware wallets, think about using one like Ledger for better security. These wallets keep your private keys away from the internet and ask for a physical action to confirm transactions.
  1. By enabling two-factor authentication (2FA), you add another layer of protection. Use apps such as Google Authenticator or devices like YubiKey for this purpose.
  1. Through keeping software up-to-date, make sure both your wallet application and operating system have the newest security updates and fixes.
  1. In terms of phishing attempts, stay alert. Don't click on weird links or give out personal info carelessly. Always verify URLs are correct and download stuff from trusted sources only.
  1. Regarding backing up your wallet, ensure you've got copies of either recovery seed or private keys stored in a safe place so that if something goes wrong, you won’t lose access to your tokens.

It’s important to remember that looking after your ERC20 tokens means being careful yourself; it requires effort on ensuring their safety and transparency when handling any token-related activities or movements.

Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan

How Do I Convert ERC20 Tokens to Other Cryptocurrencies?

If you're looking to swap your ERC20 tokens for different cryptocurrencies, platforms like Binance are a good choice because they accept ERC20 tokens. Just send your ERC20 tokens over to the exchange and then you can trade them for any cryptocurrency you want.

Can ERC20 Tokens Become Obsolete?

Even though technology might advance or the market could change, making ERC20 tokens less popular, their big acceptance, how well they work with other systems, and the constant improvements in the Ethereum network mean they're likely to stay an important piece of the blockchain puzzle.

What Are the Risks Involved in Investing in ERC20 Tokens?

Putting your money into ERC20 tokens comes with its own set of challenges. You've got to watch out for how the market goes up and down, rules that could affect your investment, chances of security issues, and the risk that the value of your token might drop. To handle these risks better, it's crucial to really dig deep into what you're investing in, understand the basics of the project well, and spread out your investments.


In conclusion, ERC-20 tokens have become a cornerstone of the Ethereum ecosystem, facilitating seamless interoperability, simplifying the creation of new tokens, and unlocking countless opportunities for developers and users alike. These tokens have paved the way for significant advancements in decentralized finance (DeFi) and have proven their versatility across various applications.

Major projects have thrived on the ERC-20 standard, demonstrating its robustness and utility. Despite some challenges, such as scalability and security vulnerabilities, the future of ERC-20 tokens looks promising as technology evolves and regulatory landscapes become clearer.

For those looking to leverage ERC-20 tokens, utilizing TransFi's suite of products—Ramp, Collections, and Payouts—can offer significant benefits. With TransFi Ramp, you can easily convert fiat to ERC-20 tokens, making it simple to enter the Ethereum ecosystem. TransFi Collections & Payouts allows for efficient gathering and management of payments in ERC-20 tokens, streamlining your financial operations.  

By integrating these tools, users can fully harness the power of ERC-20 tokens, ensuring smooth, secure, and efficient transactions across the Ethereum network. Embrace the potential of ERC-20 tokens with TransFi, and navigate the future of digital finance with confidence and ease.

Tim TransFi

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