Manajemen treasury global: tinjauan menyeluruh

8 Menit

9 Juli 2024


Managing global treasury operations isn't just a job; it's a balancing act that requires a deep understanding of international finance and a comprehensive approach to handling risks. It's more than what domestic businesses face—success here means adapting to a constantly changing and diverse financial landscape while ensuring the company remains financially stable and continues to grow.

In this guide, we'll explore the key challenges that global treasury teams often face and share practical tips to optimize their financial risk management strategies. Join us as we unpack the essential strategies for mastering the intricate world of global treasury management.

Understanding Global Treasury Management

Global treasury management, sometimes known as corporate treasury management or treasury services, is all about strategically managing and controlling a company’s cash, liquidity, and financial assets on a global level. This crucial role within the finance department of multinational corporations and large organizations focuses on optimizing cash flow, managing financial risks, and ensuring that the company always has the funds needed for day-to-day operations and long-term goals.

For large companies with offices and operations around the world, treasury management is a complex task. Let’s explore some of the key aspects that global businesses must effectively manage to succeed in this intricate field.

Key Aspects of Treasury Management

Risk Management

Identifying and mitigating financial risks, such as currency exchange fluctuations, interest rate changes, and credit risks, to safeguard the company’s financial stability.

Credit Management

As a part of risk management, credit management involves assessing and monitoring the creditworthiness of customers or borrowers to minimize default risks and ensure efficient use of credit resources.

Cash Management

Keeping a close eye on the company’s cash flow, optimizing balances, and ensuring funds are readily available when needed.

Investment Management

Investing surplus cash in low-risk, highly liquid assets that offer competitive returns while ensuring easy access to funds.

Liquidity Management

Maintaining sufficient liquidity to meet short-term and long-term obligations while minimizing idle cash.

Working Capital Management

Enhancing cash flow efficiency by optimizing accounts receivable and accounts payable.

Banking Relations

Building and maintaining strong relationships with banks and financial institutions to access essential banking services and financial products.

Capital Structure and Funding

Choosing the optimal mix of debt and equity financing to support the company's growth and investment plans cost-effectively.

Compliance and Regulatory Reporting

Adhering to financial regulations and reporting requirements across various jurisdictions, including tax compliance, payment standards (like PCI DSS), capital and liquidity requirements (such as Basel III), currency controls, and financial reporting standards (such as IFRS and GAAP).

Key Differences Between Domestic and Global Treasury Management

The strategies for treasury management can vary greatly between companies operating domestically and those with global operations. Expanding treasury management to a global scale introduces complexities such as cross-border settlements, managing multiple currencies, and navigating diverse regulatory environments. Successfully managing these complexities is crucial for any business looking to grow internationally. Let's explore these differences in more detail.

Cash Flow and Liquidity

  • Domestic Treasury Management: Domestic operations often have more predictable cash flows and liquidity needs.
  • Global Treasury Management: Global operations may experience cash flow fluctuations due to varying payment cycles and currency impacts, requiring more sophisticated cash management strategies.

Currency Risk

  • Domestic Treasury Management: Currency risk is limited to the domestic currency, making it easier to manage with fewer variables.
  • Global Treasury Management: Managing currency risk is a primary concern. Fluctuations in multiple foreign currencies can significantly impact financial stability. Techniques like hedging and exposure management become essential.

Regulatory Compliance

  • Domestic Treasury Management: Compliance focuses on regulations within a single country, typically well-understood and stable.
  • Global Treasury Management: Compliance becomes intricate due to varying regulations across different countries. Keeping up with international financial laws and adapting to changes in multiple jurisdictions is a substantial challenge.

Diversified Investments

  • Domestic Treasury Management: Investments are usually localized, relying on domestic financial markets and instruments.
  • Global Treasury Management: Diversifies investments across multiple countries and asset classes to optimize returns while managing the risks associated with foreign investments.

Banking Relations

  • Domestic Treasury Management: Typically maintains relationships with a limited number of local banks or financial institutions.
  • Global Treasury Management: Must establish and maintain relationships with a wider network of international banks, either directly or through third parties, to facilitate cross-border transactions and access diverse financial products and services.

Tantangan Utama Manajemen Treasury Global

Mengelola operasi perbendaharaan global menghadirkan serangkaian tantangan yang unik, terutama saat perusahaan berekspansi ke negara-negara baru. Berikut adalah 6 rintangan utama yang harus diatasi oleh tim manajemen treasury global:

Fluktuasi Mata Uang

Bisnis global menghadapi tantangan untuk menavigasi fluktuasi berbagai mata uang asing. Variasi ini dapat secara signifikan mempengaruhi nilai aset, kewajiban, dan arus kas. Manajemen risiko mata uang yang efektif memerlukan strategi lindung nilai yang canggih dan pemantauan yang cermat.

Manajemen Rantai Pasokan dan Persediaan

Global supply chains and inventory management are complex due to varying lead times, shipping costs, and payment terms with international suppliers and distributors. This impacts liquidity and working capital management. Global treasury teams need to be skilled in prefunding strategies like supply chain financing or trade finance, and cash management practices such as cash pooling (also known as cash concentration).

Beragam Sistem Perbankan dan Pembayaran

Setiap negara beroperasi dengan sistem perbankan, waktu pemrosesan pembayaran, dan persyaratan peraturannya sendiri. Keragaman ini dapat menyebabkan biaya tersembunyi dan penundaan dalam transfer dana dan rekonsiliasi pembayaran, sehingga memengaruhi likuiditas. Beradaptasi dengan kerangka kerja yang berbeda ini mungkin juga memerlukan integrasi perangkat lunak keuangan baru.

Perbedaan Zona Waktu

Beroperasi di berbagai zona waktu mempersulit manajemen arus kas harian. Ketika satu wilayah melakukan transaksi, wilayah lain mungkin tutup, sehingga menyebabkan penundaan dalam pemrosesan pembayaran dan pendanaan.

Kondisi Ekonomi yang Bervariasi

Wilayah yang berbeda mengalami kemerosotan ekonomi atau peristiwa geopolitik pada waktu yang berbeda, yang memengaruhi inflasi, harga mata uang, ketersediaan kredit, dan perilaku pembayaran pelanggan. Tim treasury global harus memiliki rencana darurat untuk mengatasi kesenjangan dan tantangan ekonomi ini.

Peraturan Pajak Internasional

Menavigasi kompleksitas undang-undang perpajakan internasional merupakan tantangan yang signifikan bagi tim treasury global. Dengan berbagai aturan di berbagai yurisdiksi tentang harga transfer, repatriasi laba, dividen, PPN, GST, dan status bentuk usaha tetap (BUT), tim harus mengoptimalkan struktur pajak dan aliran uang sambil tetap mematuhi peraturan. Hal ini membutuhkan sumber daya yang luas dan keseimbangan yang cermat antara biaya dan manfaat.

Tips for Optimizing Your Global Treasury Management Strategy

Global treasury management can be a daunting task, but with the right approach and tools, you can simplify processes, reduce risks, and ensure smooth money flows. Here are some practical tips to help you navigate this complex landscape:

Get a Unified View of Cash Flow

Standardizing your processes helps you achieve a single, clear view of your global cash flow. This is crucial for managing liquidity effectively, both locally and globally. Real-time forecasting and reporting highlight areas where you have cash excesses or shortages, ensuring that your capital is where it’s needed most.

Centralize, Standardize, and Automate

Start by centralizing your treasury operations to get a clear, unified view of your company’s financial status. This allows you to make well-informed decisions with a global perspective. Look at your existing workflows, policies, and key stakeholders across different business units to see what can be streamlined. Implement a Treasury Management System (TMS) to automate operations and establish consistent data standards for reporting and analysis.

Leverage Stablecoins for Quick Cross-Border Settlements

Stablecoins can be a game-changer for handling currency fluctuations and speeding up settlements. Pegged to assets like the US dollar, stablecoins maintain a stable value and operate outside traditional banking hours, offering faster and often cheaper currency conversion. Get to know about the 11 best stable coins of 2024 by reading our blog “2024’s Elite Stablecoins: Your Cross-Border Payment Solution

Use Hedging Instruments Wisely

Hedging is all about protecting your finances from unpredictable currency exchange rate fluctuations. Instruments like forwards, options, swaps, and collars can help. Choosing the right one depends on various factors like cost, complexity, and accounting implications. For more details, check out our guide on managing forex risk.

Keep an Eye on Market Changes

Stay alert to global geopolitical events, economic risks, and regulatory changes as they can significantly impact your finances and legal obligations. Use media outlets and market research companies for a broad view, but also rely on professionals with in-depth knowledge of specific markets to understand detailed implications.

Diversify Your Banking Relationships

Having relationships with multiple banks around the world can help you access the most efficient payment channels. This diversity can cut down the costs and time needed for international settlements through intermediary banks. It also expands your credit options and spreads the risk of banking failures.

By following these tips, you can make your global treasury management more efficient, reduce risks, and keep your company financially healthy in an ever-connected world.

How Blockchains Are Revolutionizing Global Treasury Management

Blockchain technology is reshaping global treasury management by offering unprecedented efficiency, transparency, and security. With blockchain, transactions can be settled almost instantly, allowing global treasury teams to streamline cross-border payments, easily manage global liquidity, and quickly pay suppliers and partners around the world.

The decentralized nature of blockchain reduces the need for intermediaries, leading to significant cost savings. Additionally, the immutability of the blockchain ledger ensures transparency and traceability of transactions, aiding global treasury teams in reconciliation and fraud management.

At the forefront of this financial revolution are stablecoins. They offer all the benefits of blockchain-enabled payments while mitigating the risk of cryptocurrency price volatility. Treasury teams can leverage these benefits without holding stablecoins on their balance sheets. Fintech innovators, like TransFi, utilize stablecoins as an intermediary currency in cross-border fiat transactions, enabling settlements up to five times faster than traditional banking methods.

TransFi’s product suite—Payouts, Collections, and Ramp—enhances these blockchain benefits. Payouts streamline the distribution of funds globally, while Collections simplify the process of gathering payments from various sources, ensuring seamless cash flow consolidation. Ramp provides efficient on- and off-ramp solutions, making currency conversions swift and hassle-free. These tools empower treasury teams to harness the power of blockchain technology, driving efficiency and supporting business expansion, especially in regions with limited access to traditional banking services.

Pertanyaan Umum

How Does Treasury Management Differ from Finance?

Finance is a broad field that covers everything related to the financial health of an organization, including budgeting, planning, accounting, and reporting. Treasury management is a specialized area within finance that zeroes in on optimizing cash flow, maintaining liquidity, and managing financial risks.

What Are the Two Main Areas of Treasury Management?

Global treasury management focuses on two main areas: cash and liquidity management, and risk management. These areas are crucial for keeping the financial wheels of an organization turning smoothly.

What Should You Look for When Choosing a Treasury System?

When picking a treasury system, look for scalability, ease of use, ability to integrate with your existing systems, support for regulatory compliance, strong security features, and the ability to automate operations. Also, consider the vendor’s history of security and innovation, their operating licenses, and the strength of their regulatory and compliance teams.

What Tools Are Used in Treasury Management?

Treasury management uses various tools like cash and liquidity management software, risk management tools such as hedging strategies, investment vehicles, and payment and collection systems. These tools can either stand alone or be part of a comprehensive Treasury Management System (TMS). With the rise of stablecoins for international transactions, blockchains are also becoming a key part of the treasury toolkit. Many treasury teams access these blockchain benefits through fintech partners like TransFi.

What Are Some Key Treasury Metrics?

Key metrics in treasury management include cash flow forecasting accuracy, working capital ratios, liquidity ratios, and risk-related metrics like Value at Risk (VaR) and interest rate risk measures.


In today’s world, treasury teams are more than just financial managers; they are strategic partners within their organizations. Treasurers now play a crucial role in advising on capital allocation, managing financial risks, and optimizing strategies to support business goals. However, geopolitical events, changing regulations, and societal challenges—like the aftermath of COVID-19—add layers of complexity while also opening up new avenues for innovation. These include utilizing blockchain technology, stablecoins, and new prefunding and supply chain financing solutions.

To navigate this evolving landscape, global treasury teams should consider collaborating with fintech partners like TransFi. These partnerships bring agility and expertise, helping to seamlessly integrate new technologies and stablecoins into existing operations. This means more streamlined processes, better cash flow visibility, and faster, cost-effective cross-border payments.

TransFi's product suite—Payouts, Collections, and Ramp—can be game-changers. Payouts ensure smooth global fund distribution, Collections simplify the process of gathering payments, and Ramp offers quick and affordable currency conversions. Moreover, TransFi's strong regulatory focus can help you stay compliant with global regulations, protecting your operations from unexpected disruptions.

By teaming up with TransFi, treasury teams can stay ahead of the curve, leveraging cutting-edge solutions to enhance their strategic role and drive financial success in an ever-changing world.

Tim TransFi

Mengungkap Masa Depan Keuangan

Memproses pembayaran dengan lancar dengan Payouts.

Lakukan pembayaran global dengan kecepatan satu klik

Menagih pembayaran dengan mudah hanya dengan beberapa klik menggunakan Collections.

Terima pembayaran, hapus batas.

Beli dan jual aset digital dengan mudah dengan layanan TransFi Ramp.

Buka Transaksi Mata Uang Digital Tanpa Batas di Mana Saja

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