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Pagalbos centras
What are the different roles and Permissions Accesible in Payouts Product?
What are the different roles and Permissions Accesible in Payouts Product?

Admin Roles and Their Permissions


Full access to all features and functionalities.

Can add, remove, or change user roles.

Can view and manage wallet balances.

Can create, approve, and manage transactions.

Can add and edit contacts and subaccounts.

Has access to API keys and KYB details.

Can manage the KYB process and view related documentation.


Can view wallet balances.

Can create transactions but cannot approve them.

Can add and edit contacts and subaccounts.

Limited to creating and viewing transactions.

Cannot manage user roles or access KYB details.


Can view wallet balances.

Responsible for approving or rejecting transactions.

Can view and manage transaction details.

Cannot create transactions but ensures their validity before approval.

Can manage the approval queue for transactions.

Finance Manager

View-only access to reports and analytics.

Can download financial reports.

Cannot create, approve, or manage transactions.

Limited to viewing wallet balances and transaction details.

No permissions to manage user roles or KYB details.

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