Bagaimana kami dapat membantu Anda?
Terima kasih! Kiriman Anda telah diterima!
Ups! Terjadi kesalahan saat mengirimkan formulir.
Pusat bantuan
Penyelesaian & Penarikan Dana
Bagaimana proses penyelesaiannya? Bagaimana cara memicu penyelesaian?
Bagaimana proses penyelesaiannya? Bagaimana cara memicu penyelesaian?
The settlement is how you withdraw your funds from your TriansFi account. It is automatically triggered.
If all the requirements for the settlement are met, your funds will be sent automatically to your bank account within the next business day.
Any questions? Please reach out to We will be more than happy to assist.
Butuh bantuan lebih lanjut?